The Science of Acupuncture and Its Healing Ability for General Wellness and Fertility

Acupuncture works with your body by stimulating and enhancing your own healing ability. Research has shown that acupuncture creates multiple biological responses mediated by sensory neurons. Acupuncture has been shown to increase blood flow and oxygenation to the targeted tissue. It relieves pain by triggering the release of anti-inflammatories and natural pain killers. Acupuncture has the ability to create chemical changes which regulate your stress response, modulate your immune system and balance hormones.

Under healthy circumstances your body is able to maintain homeostasis easily, operating and balancing thousands of systems at once. This ability is directed by the energy that flows within the body, called Qi. When there is a problem with the flow of qi it makes the body susceptible to dysfunction or illness. Stimulating the body’s sensory nerves by inserting fine needles into specific acupuncture points allows us to create the desired healing response.

Acupuncture excels at treating infertility and hormonal imbalances, stress-related conditions, pain and muscles tension, digestive issues as well as general malaise and low energy.

To learn more about how we can help you, see our Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Prenatal Acupuncture or Fertility Acupuncture pages.

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